Okinawan Kobudo
(Ufuchiku Kobudo)
Okinawan kobudō refers to the weapon systems of Okinawan martial arts. These systems can have from one to as many as a dozen weapons in their curriculum. For more details, please check the information under Okinawan Kobudo in the home page.
ZENDANKAI MARTIAL ARTS ACADEMY also has a curriculum designed in Okinawan kobudō (Ufuchiku Kobudo) as taught in direct transmission by Nakamoto Ki’ichi Hanshi and Takuma Higashi Sensei
Benefits of Learning Kobudo:
- Improved Coordination: Training with weapons enhances your coordination by teaching you to control something without nerve endings.
- Weapons of Opportunity: Learning to use one weapon, like a stick, helps you adapt to other cylindrical objects of similar length, such as a baseball bat or a pool cue.
- Historical Preservation: Some people study historical weapons to preserve or reconstruct ancient martial arts practices, often tied to cultural heritage.
- "My Hand is My Sword": This concept means using your hands as weapons when necessary. Learning weapons can help you understand and apply empty-handed techniques more effectively.
- Understanding Defense: Even if you don't plan to use weapons, learning how they work helps you defend against them, should you ever face an armed opponent.