Okinawan Kobudō

Okinawan Kobudō, a Japanese term meaning "old martial way of Okinawa," encompasses the weapon systems of Okinawan martial arts. These systems include various weapons such as the kon/Bō (six-foot staff), sai (three-pronged truncheon), tonfa (handled club), kama (sickle), and nunchaku (two rope- or chain-connected sticks).


Ufuchiku kobudo sometimes referred to as ufuchiku kobujutsu or ufuchiku-den is a form of Okinawan kobudō.

Ufuchiku Kobudo, a form of Okinawan Kobudō, was founded by Kanagusuku Sanda (1841–1921), also known as Kinjo Sanda. The name "Ufuchiku" is derived from Sanda's profession as a police commissioner. This is a rare system and rarely taught even in Okinawa.

Lineage :

Kanagusuku Ufuchiku's death, Shosei Kina (1882–1981) became the second generation Soke or head master. Kina first learned saijutsu from men in his village as a teen in Shimabuku, excelling in Tsuken Shitahaku no Sai and Chatan Yara no Sai, but he began his training in ufuchiku kanagusuku in 1906, wherein he furthered his understanding of use of the sai and jo/gusan and was exposed to the twenty-five weapons of Kanagsuku's kobujutsu.

Shosei Kina Okinawan students consisted of Kantoku IzumikawaSeishin HigaKaishu Isa, and Kiichi Nakamoto among others. Kina became a member of the Okinawa Kobudo Kyokai in 1961 and its continuation as the Okinawa Karate Kobudo Rengokai in 1968 from which he was awarded the 10th Dan Rank

In October 1975, Kina Sensei founded the Ufuchiku-den Ryūkyū Kobujutsu Hozonkai and served as its first President with Kaishu Isa assigned as the Vice-President

Ryukyu Dento Kobujutsu Hozon Budo Kyokai :

Shinyei Kyan was the senior karate and saijutsu student of Shosei Kina; having started his training at the age of 10 in 1922. He was highly involved with participating in the Okinawa Kobudo Kyokai (later known as the Zen Okinawa Karate and Kobudo Rengokai) with Kina Sensei, attending meetings and performing at demonstrations together in the 1960s.

In January of 1993, he was awarded the title and rank of Hanshi 9th Dan by the Okinawa Dento Kobudo Hozonkai (which was led by Nakamoto Masahiro Sensei), and the following year on July 28, 1994, he formed his own kobudo organization, the Ryukyu Dento Kobujutsu Budo Hozon Budo Kyokai in order to pass on his own kobudo consisting of Yamanni-ryu bojutsuUfuchiku Saijutu, and other weapons from various teachers.

Following his death on July 16, 1997Nakamoto Kiichi, who had also been a Saijutsu student of Kina Shosei in the 1970’s and then Kyan Sensei, was named as the 2nd President of the organization on October 28, 1997Nakamoto Sensei founded a dojo, the Okinawakan, to preserve Kyan’s kobudo alongside other kobudo he has learned from other sources over the years and well as his Goju-ryu which he learned directly from Chojun Miyagi and later Eichii Miyazato.

Nakamoto's kobudo being taught is also now being called Ufuchiku Kobudo as recognition to Kyan's and Nakamoto's time with Shosei Kina.

Nakamoto Sensei had received his 10th dan from Shinyei Kyan before Kyan Sensei passed away. Nakamoto runs the association out of his dojo the Okinawakan, which is headquartered in Okinawa City, Okinawa